Nanna Audrey's delicious biscuits were a hit. |
Nannas present letter at Mr Gulaptis' office |
The Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas Against Gas is delighted that the NSW Government has at last listened to the concerns of the local community about the activities of gas miner Metgasco. The suspension of Metgasco's right to drill an exploration well at the Bentley Rosella site is a step in the right direction.
We were very interested to see the joint media release "North Coast Nationals Welcome Suspension of Metgasco Licence" in which you participated. While it appears that you and your fellow North Coast National MPs are finally responding to the concerns of a significant proportion of your constituents, there is much more that you could be doing.
While we welcome the suspension, we are concerned that it is a temporary measure.
As the Knitting Nannas have told you on a number of occasions, we do not believe that gas mining – whether it be conventional CSG mining or unconventional mining such as would have occurred at Bentley – is an appropriate industry for the Northern Rivers area. Gas mining is an invasive industry completely unsuited to this wonderfully biodiverse and rich agricultural region. The risks gas-mining poses to agriculture, to water resources, to the region's ecology, to human health and to our lifestyle mean it should never be allowed here.
We call on you, as our elected representative, to strongly lobby your government to revoke the mining PELs in the Northern Rivers area. Are you prepared to do this?