Please Send Back My Nanna Mr Baird
Mum says she’s gone away
And now I’m feeling very sad,
Hope she’ll come back some day.
I asked my Dad if she was dead
Just like my friend’s old Pop.
Dad just sighed and shook his head
Said, “Go and ask the cop.”
That’s when I knew she’d gone to gaol
And she did it just for me.
Nanna couldn’t pay the bail,
She’s on the pension, see.
But she wants us kids to grow up well
In a land that’s clean and green
Not in a dead polluted hell
Or a poisoned-water scene.
For coalmines spoil the farmers’ land
And coal gas poisons water.
My Nanna doesn’t want to hand
This mess to son or daughter
So, Mr Baird, please listen to a little grandchild’s sorrow
Change back the law today, please do, and let Nan come home tomorrow.
The reason for being a Knitting Nanna. A poem by our very own Dorothy Hillis, creator, owner and wearer of the Coat of Many Colours! Click on the poem to view.
A little tribute to our inspirational and faithful nannerly friends up north . . .
The Lismore Knitting Nannas
The Lismore Knitting Nannas
A purl of a bunch
You'd take them home to meet your mum
You'd take them out to lunch!
A crafty lot of knitters
Stitched together in a team
Give them a ball of yellow wool
And watch their knowing eyes gleam.
A group of valiant knitters
Determined to convince old Thomas
To change his mind on CSG
And to them make that promise!
They roam the Northern Rivers
With their wool and wise yellow ways
Doing their bit to encourage us all
Due to CSG invasion these days.
You'll see these wise yellow nannas
Decked out with chooks and all
They will never be very far away
With their needles and their balls!
GTown Nannas - Leonie & Lynette
A swingin' carol for Christmas . . .

You may wanna cry
You betta not sleep
I'm tellin' you why
Metgasco is comin to town!
They'll drill while you are sleepin'
They'll drill while you're awake
They'll drill whether you agree or not
So wake up for goodness sake!!
Sung to the tune of Santa Claus is coming to town