Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Tuesday May 6 Knit-In
The cold weather is certainly affecting the old bones as a few stalwart Grafton Nannas had to rug up well for a knit-in lastTuesday  outside Mr Gulaptis' office.  We didn't see Mr Gulaptis and assume that he was in Parliament supporting the Clarence electorate. (Can we hope that he was telling his Government colleagues that people of the Northern Rivers don't want any gas mining in their area ???!!!)

We admired Dorothy's colourful crocheted medallions which she will make into a cushion.

 Suzanne told us about her recent visit to the protest camp at Bentley and her plans to "frock up" for the event there on Friday. She' also planning an outfit for a friend who will be accompanying her.  The Bentleyites obviously know how to provide some entertainment to lighten the serious effort they are engaged in!

And listening to our chatter and checking on the passers-by we had Dorothy's wonderful knitted echidna and platypus ably supported by Suzanne's knitted doll, Suzie.

Tuesday April 15
At this knit-in we were joined by Sarah's friend Carol who was catching up with Sarah on a short visit to Australia.  Carol hails from Omaha in the U.S. state of Nebraska. Carol told us about her concerns about a local environmental issue - the proposed TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline which will carry oil sourced from the Canadian tar sands across the U.S. to the Gulf of Mexico.

Nannas are great untanglers!  

Having a knitted ring helps with creativity.