At our knit-in on Tuesday February 17 the Grafton Nannas had a natter with one of the candidates standing in the Clarence electorate at the March 28 state election. Independent candidate Bryan Robins joined us for a chat about election issues and the role of independents and those representing political parties in the upcoming election.
We were delighted to hear that Bryan strongly opposes gas mining. (We Nannas think ALL candidates should come out strongly in opposition to this damaging industry!)
We were also chuffed with his praise for the Knitting Nannas - the Grafton Loop and all the other Nannas - and their effective campaigning on the problems associated with gas mining.
The Grafton Nannas enjoyed their chat with Bryan Roberts (centre) |
Nanna supporter Barry (who by now should be classified as a Poppa) astounded us with his new activity - darning socks! It seems he's been self-conscious about sitting with us and not being busy creating with his hands. "I can't knit," he said, "so I'm going to wield a needle and darn." He thinks he needs to practise quite a bit before he becomes a 'darner extraordinaire'! We wonder if the Grafton Loop are the only Nannas with a darning Poppa.
Our enthusiastic darning Poppa. Go Baz!!! |
Sarah continues to produce metres and metres of french knitting. Is she planning to use it to lock dozens of gates? At the moment she hasn't a plan. Maybe she will use at least some of it to decorate her wonderful Nanna apron.
Sarah's french knitting grows and grows |
Sarah's great Nanna apron |
Dorothy's wonderful knitted animals enjoyed an outing with Steve's noisy racer. |