Wednesday, 25 February 2015


The Grafton Nannas left their usual venue outside MP Gulaptis' office (and we're sure he missed us!) to set up outside the Link, further up Prince Street.

This is a much busier part of the main street and gave us a marvellous opportunity to greet old friends and to chat with other passers-by.  And we received plenty of approving comments.  It's great to know that the awareness-raising of our little Nanna Loop  - along with all our Nanna compatriots elsewhere - is contributing to the community's general understanding of the threat that gas-mining poses to our way of life and the future of our children and grandchildren.

As well as the venue change, two things made this knit-in special.  We were delighted to welcome back our two down-river Nannas  and to have our three Poppas all with us.  The Poppas - Barry, Brent,and Steve - were awarded their supporter badges (Nanna Groupie badges!).

The Grafton Loop's Poppas

Another feature was the launching of Lynette's new Grafton Loop sign.  Really impressive!  Once again our designer-extraordinaire Lynette has done a great job.

Another event made this knit-in very interesting.  The Link, outside which we were knitting, is an arcade owned by Shoppingworld, the large shopping centre behind Grafton's main street.  A member of the Shoppingworld management staff requested that the crocheted banner "We want a gasfield ban not a gasfield plan" be removed from the window  (their property).  It was  removed but this staff member put in a complaint to Council about our presence. 

A Council officer arrived and had some discussion with Nanna representatives about our presence on council land - the footpath out the front.  As a result the Nannas (respectful elderly ladies  that we are) moved on as requested.