This is a much busier part of the main street and gave us a marvellous opportunity to greet old friends and to chat with other passers-by. And we received plenty of approving comments. It's great to know that the awareness-raising of our little Nanna Loop - along with all our Nanna compatriots elsewhere - is contributing to the community's general understanding of the threat that gas-mining poses to our way of life and the future of our children and grandchildren.
As well as the venue change, two things made this knit-in special. We were delighted to welcome back our two down-river Nannas and to have our three Poppas all with us. The Poppas - Barry, Brent,and Steve - were awarded their supporter badges (Nanna Groupie badges!).
The Grafton Loop's Poppas |
Another event made this knit-in very interesting. The Link, outside which we were knitting, is an arcade owned by Shoppingworld, the large shopping centre behind Grafton's main street. A member of the Shoppingworld management staff requested that the crocheted banner "We want a gasfield ban not a gasfield plan" be removed from the window (their property). It was removed but this staff member put in a complaint to Council about our presence.
A Council officer arrived and had some discussion with Nanna representatives about our presence on council land - the footpath out the front. As a result the Nannas (respectful elderly ladies that we are) moved on as requested.