Saturday, 12 July 2014


The Grafton Nannas were pleased to welcome two Nanna daughters to their knit-in outside Mr Gulaptis' office on Tuesday July 8.  The older Nannas are delighted to see young ones brandishing their needles in the cause of protecting our land and water.

The serious expressions may have had something to do with the chilly wind whistling along Prince Street.

Supporter Steve, who is not a knitter, decided to enliven proceedings on the footpath with his appropriately labelled hoon vehicle.
We do have a "Poppy" knitter in our Grafton loop but he's been a little too busy to join our knit-ins for a while.  But he really is a talented knitter which his masterpiece jumper (designed and knitted by him) clearly shows. We all hope he'll join a knit-in again soon.