Monday, 9 September 2013

Honesty in Question?

The Nannas were quite upset on Polling Day to find that the Nationals had openly attempted to deceive the electorate by displaying signs as pictured below.

CSG Mining (Unconventional Gas Mining) is predominantly a state issue and the Nannas think this is stretching things a tad too far.

The Federal Govt can have some input on Gas Mining as indicated by the recent passing of the 'Water Trigger Legislation'. The fact that Janelle Saffin strongly pushed this legislation shows how concerned she was about gas mining in her electorate.

The Nannas will be meeting with Mr Hogan in the not too distant future to discuss this and many other issues of concern to them.

Friday, 6 September 2013


The Grafton Nannas have been quite nomadic in the last few weeks!  The Federal Election inspired them to move around town - last week to the campaign office of the Nationals' candidate, Kevin Hogan, and this week to the campaign office of the sitting federal member, Janelle Saffin M.P

The Nannas delivered a letter to their local member, similar to the letter that was delivered to the National candidate's campaign office at the  knit-in the week before.  As Ms Saffin was campaigning elsewhere in the electorate, the Nannas delivered the letter and a gift of  one of Lynette's elegant Nanna necklaces to a campaign volunteer.

Letter and gift delivery.
Page MP Janelle Saffin is opposed to CSG mining in her electorate - a fact which really pleases the Nannas.  It is truly wonderful when your parliamentary representative actually represents the interests of the majority of her/his electorate - something we Nannas regret does not happen enough throughout our nation.  Far too often MPs are tied to the policies of their parties which are often not in the interests of the communities they represent.

The Nannas have found it very refreshing to knit in different parts of town for the last two knit-ins.  They have had nannerly chats with dozens of passers-by about their knitting and the gas-mining industry.



Maureen's Tea Cosy - top pompom to come
Deb's Triangle - part of a chain
The Nannas know that Mr Gulaptis, our state MP, has been missing the Nanna knit-ins outside his Grafton office in the last few  weeks.  But, as soon as the election is over, the Nannas will be back in their old haunt!

The Nannas just had to lend their support to the federal election - and show that they know the federal parliament has powers over gas mining - powers they want to see continued and, if possible, strengthened.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Last Thursday the  Grafton Nannas left their usual knit-in haunt and set up their chairs outside the campaign office of National Party candidate for Page,  Kevin Hogan.  We thought it was time that we gave a little nannerly attention to the federal election campaign.

Mr Hogan was elsewhere in the electorate but the Nannas had a very pleasant chat with one of his youthful helpers and handed over a letter about Nanna concerns.  We didn't leave a yellow flower as they are reserved for State MP Chris Gulaptis but Lynette left Mr Hogan a memento - her crocheted triangles to decorate his car rear-vision mirror.

Letter Delivery Team


The Grafton Chapter of Knitting Nannas Against Gas understands that you are opposed to coal seam gas mining in the Northern Rivers area.  While this is very reassuring, we trust that you are also against other forms of unconventional gas mining (such as tight sand and shale gas mining) in our area.

While we applaud you for reflecting the position of the community in our electorate, we have serious concerns about the Coalition Parties' position on mining.  It is clear that the Coalition would encourage the expansion of mining in the belief that it is beneficial to the economy.  Politicians often become obsessed with economic arguments and fail to see the downsides of an industry such as mining – particularly in relation to the general community's amenity and health as well as the health of the natural environment on which we all rely.

If the Coalition were to form Government after the election, what would its position be on gas mining – particularly on gas mining in our area?  What would be your position if you were elected and a Coalition Government was intent on encouraging the development of gas mining in our area?

* * * * * * * * *
The Nannas enjoyed the different venue and the opportunity to meet with people in a busier part of the town than their usual spot.  The next knit-in will be at yet another venue.  Variety is certainly the spice of  life for the hard-knittin' Grafton Nannas!

French knitting progresses.
Anti CSG Tiger - the next project

Chook Against Gas, Speckledy, checks the Nannafesto