Monday, 7 January 2013


Today Metgasco finally managed to get a drill rig and other equipment into the Glenugie site.  It took them many hours and the efforts of around 60 police - mostly riot police - and the Police Rescue Squad.  We Knitting Nannas suspect that getting the equipment onto the site proved more difficult than it would have been some weeks earlier.  Protesters, from the Clarence Valley and other Northern Rivers areas  - including Knitting Nannas - gathered from before 7 a.m., prepared to peacefully protest at the mining company's plans.

Protesters gather at outside the Glenugie site early on 7th January

The riot police gradually moved protesters from the area in front of the access gate.  Then they had to remove those protesters "locked on", including one brave man perched high in a tripod and another lying locked on just in front of the gate.

The Knitting Nannas did not do much looping or purling today as they were too busy singing, watching, and photographing than to do more than brandish the needles and pull on the yarn  occasionally.


Girls Against Gas about to be moved from the area in front of the Metgasco Gate

 The Nannas hope that these lasses will not be called on to 
become Knitting Nannas Against Gas in another 30 years or so.
We want CSG mining cast off NOW! 

Some Knitting Nannas can identify with 
the sentiments on this lad's T-shirt.
Our T-shirts could say "We knit because we were 
needled into doing it!" 

The Angel shows Riot Police the song words so that they can join in.
 "What is this weird woman doing ?  If we don't look,
maybe she'll go away.  Or maybe we could arrest her for distracting police 
from the lawful performance of their duties."

 "Whew! It's been a long morning.  Thank goodness for this sculpture.  
My feet are killing me and my ears are sunburnt.  This crappy regulation 
cap isn't doing the job.  I wish I had one of those Knitting Nanna 
yellow bandannas to wear on my head."

There it sat, lonely and sad-looking, until it was given a nannerly treat, 
a knitted and knotted makeover. Look at those eyes peering 
coyly from under the yellow bandanna!