Saturday, 25 August 2018


The Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas expressed their concern on August 23 to their state MP, Chris Gulaptis, about the recent addition to the NSW Government's anti-protestor laws.  They presented him with a letter outlining their concerns. 
The text of the letter is printed below.

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In May 2016 the Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas Against Gas and Greed wrote to you about our concerns about the draconian laws your Government brought in. These increased penalties for those involved in protests.  At the time, it was obvious to us that the law changes were aimed at those in the community who were protesting about coal seam and unconventional gas.

The Nannas pointed out that these new laws were an infringement of civil rights.

We are now alarmed that, not satisfied with that curtailing of our basic freedoms, your Government now has in place amendments to the Crown Land Management Act which restrict even further the rights of community members in this state.

We understand that regulations which came into force on July 1 this year now give very broad powers to police and other public officials to disperse or ban public gatherings including protests, rallies and meetings.  These powers relate to all government owned (or crown land) which makes up almost half of NSW.

This is appalling and a gross over-reach by government which is obviously so terrified of public opinion and its ability to force change that it is seeking to limit the community’s opportunities to gather and publicise its concerns. 

These laws are unnecessary and undemocratic.

We point out that the Australian Constitution contains an implied freedom of political communication.  We understand that these laws are likely to contravene this right.

Do you support these laws which are moving us inexorably towards becoming a police state reminiscent of the situation in the former Soviet Union?

The Nannas look forward to your response.

Ann & Susanna with the letter