After beginning the year very quietly the Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas Against Gas and Greed have managed to hold a number of knit-ins despite the wet weather and floods.
The second 2021 knit-in was held on April 8 outside the Prince Street premises of our state member, Chris Gulaptis. This dealt once again with the plight of koalas and the NSW Government’s failure to ensure their protection. Sadly Mr Gulaptis has been one of the prime movers in the National party for weakening koala protection.
At the next knit-in on Thursday 22nd April the Nannas joined in a community campaign – Fund Our Future Not Gas – in the lead-up to the 11th May Federal Budget.
Those participating in this campaign included Nannas from around the state, and GetUp. The aim was to raise awareness about the folly of the federal government’s gas led recovery and highlight what budget money should be spent on to improve the lot of all Australians – not just the polluting fossil fuel companies which the Government plans to shower with largesse.
Surveying passers-by about budget funding (22 April) |
Interested passers-by were asked what they thought should be in the budget. Among the suggestions were improved funding for aged care, hospitals and health, education, the NDIS, public housing, Closing the Gap, the ABC, renewable energy, and climate action.
The Nannas wrote to Kevin Hogan about these suggestions and other comments they received as well as calls for an effective Federal ICAC.
The Federal Budget did not take the issue of climate change seriously and was the focus of the next knit-in - also outside Mr Hogan's unattended Prince Street office - on May 27.