Saturday, 15 December 2018


The Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas have written to their Federal Member, Kevin Hogan, about the lack of Federal Government Action on climate change. The text of the letter is below:

Action on Climate Change

Members of the Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas Against Gas and Greed are very concerned about the Federal Government's lack of action on climate change.

It is quite obvious to us and to many other members of the community in our electorate and elsewhere that the pace of climate change is accelerating and that we are going to be subjected to an increasing range of impacts which will cause distress to individuals and communities as well as having major and long-term effects on the economy.

And what is the Federal Government's response to this building climate emergency?  NOTHING.  It has no climate policy.  This is more than astounding; it is appalling and grossly incompetent.  It shows a lack of concern for the national interest and for future generations of Australians.

We are well aware that you now sit on the cross bench - BUT you are a member of the National Party which is part of the Federal Government and you were recently endorsed by that party as their candidate for Page in the upcoming federal election.

The fact that you are sitting on the cross bench does not in any way absolve you from responsibility for the policy of your party or the government of which it is part.

So, Mr Hogan, what are you, as our local member, going to do to remedy this disgraceful situation?

We would very much appreciate a response to this question.

*  *  *  *  *  *  

Four of the Grafton Nannas at their knit-in on 13th December   

Nanna Kerry at her first Grafton Knit-in.


Sunday, 11 November 2018


Nanna Kerry, the superstar Nanna from Queensland, travelled from  Newcastle to Grafton after September's Nanna Conference. She was not at all keen about such a long car trip but eventually she agreed that it would be interesting to get away from all the coal dust in the air and spend time in the Northern Rivers .

Sarah & a Newcastle Nanna persuade Kerry to go to Grafton

Nanna Kerry was NOT a good traveller and was quite vocal about Sarah's and Leonie's driving. She needed a long period of convalescence when the Grafton Nannas finally arrived home and insisted on weeks and weeks of rest before she was ready to look at the sights of Grafton town.

Nanna K recuperating on a sunny Grafton veranda.

The Grafton Nannas were anxious to show her all the festivities at the Jacaranda festival but she declared she needed more rest before she left her new quarters.

Finally last Thursday, after seeing all the beautiful jacarandas in the yard behind,  she said she  was ready to check out the sights. 

So four Nannas took her to See Park where the Jacarandas were still in wonderful bloom.  Nanna Kerry was ecstatic and was very interested in the jacarandas and the foreign tourists taking selfies.  She kept urging the Nannas to take more photos of her which she said should be sent to all the other Nanna Loops to show what a great time she was having.

Nanna Kerry admiring the jacarandas in See Park

Relaxing amongst yellow flowers in the park

When the Nannas decided to go to "Toast" for coffee she was all in favour.  The highlight there was the opportunity to sit on the Jaca throne outside the coffee shop with the Jaca Queen's crown on her head.  After sitting there like royalty holding the sceptre,  Nanna K announced that she could see herself as Jacaranda Queen in 2019.   She stated VERY firmly that she plans  to enter the competition.

Looking regal on Toast's jacaranda throne