During their Knit-in on Tuesday 10th November the Grafton Nannas delivered a letter to their local State MP, Chris Gulaptis, Member for Clarence. The text of this letter is printed below:
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The members of the Grafton Loop of the Knitting Nannas Against Gas are delighted that the NSW Government, of which you are a member, has negotiated a buyback with Metgasco (of PELs 13, 16 and 426) which, if agreed to by the shareholders, will see them out of the Northern Rivers.We applaud you for your efforts in helping to bring this about.
Obviously we hope that the Metgasco shareholders will accept the deal the Government has negotiated with its board.
If they do not, we assume that the Government has a contingency plan which will see the licences cancelled so that Metgasco leaves the Northern Rivers permanently.
The Nannas, however, still have concerns about the gas-mining industry. Removing Metgasco does not guarantee that the Northern Rivers will be gasfield free. We, along with many other community members, want the threat of unconventional gas exploration and mining removed permanently from our area.
We urge you to work towards ensuring that the Government declares that the Northern Rivers is permanently off-limits to unconventional gas-mining so that no further Petroleum Exploration Licences are granted here.
Has the Government currently any plans to declare the Northern Rivers Gasfield free?
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The Nannas are hopeful that the Government will realize that removing Metgasco, while certainly very welcome, is only part of the "job" and that they will complete the job in the very near future. Then the Nannas should be able to pursue some more nannerly interests!!