Tuesday, 25 March 2014


A small group of dedicated Nannas gathered again outside the office of our local MP Chris Gulaptis to knit (and crochet) AND NATTER.  (Some  of us are better at nattering than knitting - or crocheting!).

What we really appreciate is that Nannas come when they can.  Most of us lead busy Nanna lives and can't make it every week - but we click and clack our needles on the street whenever we can.

After our knit-in we learned that Mr Gulaptis was planning to attend a science forum on CSG in the Parliamentary Theatrette in Sydney.  We hope that he learns more about what concerns us Nannas about how gas-mining is going to affect the  life of the kiddies in the future. There is a really urgent need for our representatives to learn more about the problems of this industry.  AND we hope that ALL of Mr Gulaptis' National Party colleagues also attend the forum. 

Who but a Nanna could devise a wig as elegant as this?

Dorothy's wonderful cushion cover

It must be serious when even the dolls are protesting !!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


 The Grafton Nannas have written to their State Member of Parliament, Chris Gulaptis, calling on him to urge his Government to halt immediately all unconventional gas  mining in NSW.  The letter was delivered  to his office on Thursday 13th March.  A similar letter from the Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition was also delivered at this time.

Below is  the text of the KNAG letter.

Following the recent contamination to the groundwater in the Pilliga State Forest , The Knitting Nannas Against Gas – Grafton Loop are calling on the State Government to put a stop to all unconventional gas mining in NSW.

It is time our MPs took the step to protect the land and water supplies of the people in their electorates.

It is unacceptable that communities have to live with the threat of contamination from this invasive industry.

Below are quotes from the EPA and Public Health:

"On Friday, EPA chief environmental regulator Mark Gifford confirmed the contamination was caused by water leaking from the pond and that lead, aluminium, arsenic, barium, boron, nickel and uranium had been detected in an aquifer at levels ''elevated when compared to livestock, irrigation and health guidelines''.
 SMH, 8th March 2014

“The heavy metals in the water and particularly the high levels of aluminium are certainly a concern if this industry is going to spread.  I’m not confident the EPA has the appropriate testing methodology to deal with or prepare for such a contamination situation and the ongoing repercussions.”
Dr Con Costa, public health physician and GP, media release 12th March 2014

The industry has now been proven to be unsafe and as such should be halted immediately.

 The delegation presenting letters at the office of Chris Gulaptis