Grafton Nannas once again carried their chairs and needles and settled outside the office of Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis to knit, plot and chatter AND to deliver a letter outlining their concerns about the NSW Government's proposed new planning system.
The Nannas enjoying working with the yellow yarn. |
The Nannas' letter, delivered to the office with the usual yellow flower, urged our MP to speak to the Minister for Planning about making the proposed new planning system more community-friendly.
(We did not deliver the letter personally to Mr Gulaptis because he left the office and was away for such a long time that we thought he was avoiding us. Hard to believe that our MP would want to avoid talking to such charming, harmless Nannas! However, we were SO pleased that he returned just as we were about to leave and had a brief chat with us.)
The Nannas believe the Government's proposed changes give too much power to industry and development interests. We want to see:
- The principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) incorporated in the new system.
- Rights for the ordinary community to access judicial review to remedy unlawful decisions made under the legislation for State Significant Development - including for coal mines and gas fields.
- Removal of restrictions on third party merit appeals.
- Incorporation of the environmental protections in the current planning system in the new system.
We hope to hear that Mr Gulaptis is lobbying enthusiastically on our behalf and the behalf of all the kiddies who have to live in the world that we are shaping.
In the meantime the Nannas will continue their regular knit-ins. We enjoy so much our Nanna companionship, exercising our fingers, discussing our projects and chatting with the passers-by.
Speckledy, a Chook Against Gas, and a new friend kept the Nannas company. |