After stopping off in Casino for coffee, we visited the new Casino Environment Centre. What a good job those volunteers have done! The Centre is centrally located and has been beautifully decorated. We Nannas particularly admired the comfy lounge chairs in the room adjacent to the shop - just the place for a tired Nanna to have a gentle snooze in the afternoon! And there were some attractive local products on sale including soap "handmade in Nimbin by clean hippies", wooden photo frames, earings, and macadamia oil.
At Lismore we joined our wonderful northern compatriots, the Lismore Nannas, for a knit-in outside the office of Lismore State MP Thomas George.
The cool breeze encouraged Dorothy to don her knitted coat of many colours which was admired by the Lismore ladies, some of whom have been inspired to make a knitted coat their next project. Dorothy also performed her wonderful poem"Knitting Nannas" - which was greatly appreciated by the Lismore ladies.
Lynette has been very active and creative since our last knit-in and had some interesting products to show - crocheted bracelets, a very modish crocheted necklace and a smart phone cover sporting a Nanna logo.
We of the Grafton Loop really enjoyed our knit-in and will bring our needles to Lismore again. The Lismore Nannas indicated that they would travel south for a knit-in at Grafton some time in the future. We look forward to that.